
Wealth Without Well-Being Is PovertyTM

Everyone should be Living Well.

Some people seem to and others don’t. It can’t be as simple as a large bank balance and healthy investment accounts. Lots of unhappy people have those.

You’re shaped by your life experience.

And you’ve got a healthy bunch of hopes and dreams. If we paint more things into the picture, like financial planning, taxes, estate planning, investments, and retirement, it’s a mess! You can hardly see those dreams anymore. This is no way to live well.

We believe what you give your attention to makes all the difference.

It helps to have someone paying attention to the weeds so you can focus on smelling the flowers. And cultivating your garden with the important people in your life. All the most beautiful things in life have little to do with numbers. When you’ve got a good plan and an advocate looking out for you, it’s easier to enjoy them.

The ancient Greeks had a knack for inventing useful things, like the word eudemonia. It means well-being. True human flourishing. Anybody can plug the numbers they think “define” you into a very expensive calculator and spit out a chart that shows those numbers going up. But we’d rather help you relentlessly pursue eudemonia before you run out of time and health.

Let’s see if we connect.

Your next step is to see if we’re a fit, if we have the right things in common. If we connect, we’ll meet and begin your wealth plan.

Your hopes and dreams should guide your financial planning.

And everything should be shaped by the values you hold dear. The key to Living Well is having an advisor who knows not just your numbers, but who and what you love. Not just an advisor, but an advocate. Someone who can take the frustration out of those prickly problems and help you see what’s in your blind spot.

“Note is perfect for you guys…

Because you do take note. You do pay attention to the detail. You do make us feel like we are valuable and important. And when you say you’re going to do something, every ‘I’ is dotted, every ‘T’ is crossed.”

– Gerrie Reid, family business leader, proud of her husband and the rest of her family’s work and missing them much