We Believe

We believe…

You should wake up every morning glad that you are you.
It’s good to create options for yourself and those relying on you.
You should run out of ideas before you run out of resources.
The fiduciary standard is the only standard, no exceptions.
“Assets Under Management” is a crappy way to categorize clients.
Your value has nothing to do with your net worth.
You won’t be discussing portfolio returns on your deathbed.
Financial capital is a poor measure of true wealth.
Making a fortune isn’t as rewarding as making a difference.
Working with you is more fun than working with your money.
Your business won’t sell itself when it’s time to retire.
Successful businesses make succession a priority today.
Some people will do anything for money. We find these people boring.

You should wake up every morning glad that you are you.
It’s good to create options for yourself and those relying on you.
You should run out of ideas before you run out of resources.
The fiduciary standard is the only standard, no exceptions.
“Assets Under Management” is a crappy way to categorize clients.
Your value has nothing to do with your net worth.
You won’t be discussing portfolio returns on your deathbed.
Financial capital is a poor measure of true wealth.
Making a fortune isn’t as rewarding as making a difference.
Working with you is more fun than working with your money.
Your business won’t sell itself when it’s time to retire.
Successful businesses make succession a priority today.
Some people will do anything for money. We find these people boring.

We also believe all Note clients and colleagues are…

Motivated to make a meaningful life.
Passionate about commitments to their family and themselves.
Busy managing complex life situations (including businesses).
Active in a variety of personal and professional pursuits.
Eager to delegate to trusted and talented advisors.
Willing to seek out advice (and the right professionals to advance it).
Critical of themselves in order to become better.
Appreciative of personalized experiences.
Seeking a judgment-free confidant.
Open to being coached and elevated.
Focused on uncovering new ideas and approaches.

We believe what you give your attention to makes all the difference.