Shawn Glogowski, CFP®, EA

Shawn Glogowski,

Principal & Chief Compliance Officer

Shawn Glogowski, CFP®, EA

Shawn is passionate about a couple of things. The first is his family. He considers his wife Sarah the secret to his success. They have two daughters, Addison and Olivia, who remind him of why he does what he does. His second passion are his clients. He loves sharing his knowledge with anyone who’s ready to achieve their vision in their own life and business. This typically revolves around the wealth planning process. As a Certified Financial Planner®, Shawn helps you create, implement, and monitor a comprehensive financial plan that aligns your personal and business visions. This includes strategies around investments, taxes, retirement, and estate planning.

Along with being a CFP®, Shawn also holds Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSNC), and Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designations with The American College. Shawn is also an Enrolled Agent (EA) with the Internal Revenue Service which allows him to represent taxpayers before the IRS. He is involved in the Financial Planning Association (FPA), Financial Planning Counselors of WNY, Estate Analysts of WNY, National Association of Tax Professionals and National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), is a director of the Buffalo Renaissance Foundation, and is a past President of the Rotary Club of the Tonawandas.

Shawn enjoys golf, running, SCUBA diving, and is also a Buffalo Sabres fan.

Saving & Sacrifice
FIRE means “financial independence and retire early.” Sounds nice, doesn't it? Shawn weighs the pros and cons of saving a lot or a little.
What's Driving Your Decisions?
With a million financial voices and indicators out there, what do you look to?
I Don't Have to Think About It
Friend and client Pamela Pawenski shares how well Note knows her.
Pamela Pawenski is a current client of Note and was not compensated for providing this testimonial.
Holding the Line
Shawn and Angela warn against knee jerk reactions turbulent markets.
Sticking to the Plan is a Decision
Shawn explains why you shouldn't be quick to abandon a good financial plan.
Beyond the Numbers
Shawn reveals some wisdom on planning for retirement.
We've Prepared for the Long-Term
Shawn shares about how to weather a difficult market.
Have Your Goals Changed?
Shawn unpacks the wisdom of a goal-oriented approach in a scary market.
What You Earn Vs. What You Keep
Shawn talks about keeping more, not just earning more.
No Worries. Be Wise.
Hear Shawn unpack why the market needn’t worry you.
Maximize Your Joy
Money isn't always everything. Why not maximize your joy instead?
Why 65?
Shawn shares about a couple who chose well-being and retired early.
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What’s on Shawn’s Mind:

  • Make Sure You’re Ready

    According to a recent survey, 80% of Americans say that saving for retirement is critically important. However, only 56% are actually putting money away for their golden years. In 2006 U.S. Senators Gordon Smith and Kent Conrad introduced a resolution that was passed by Congress, creating National Retirement Security Week in the third week of……

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  • Your Finances and the Upcoming Election

    Recently we published a blog about financial uncertainties across our nation as the countdown to the 2020 US election continues. Clearly, some of the most concerning of those are potential changes to federal tax laws. That is why we decided to follow up with specific financial information and strategies that we believe could be effective……

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  • Self-employed and Deferred Payroll Taxes

    If you are self-employed, you shouldn’t count on the payroll tax break the president has issued via executive order — at least not yet.  Payroll taxes are normally shared by employers and employees. Each covers a 6.2% tax to fund Social Security, as well as a 1.45% tax to fund Medicare.Self-employed people foot the entire bill for……

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  • Has Your Company Suspended 401K Contributions?

    The pandemic has had a major economic impact on employers as well as individuals. According to a national survey by the Plan Sponsor Council of America, as of April more than 20 percent of large organizations had already suspended matching 401(k) contributions. The beauty of a 401(k) is that it offers tax advantages and makes regular contributions……

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  • Mid-Year Tax Reviews Can Save You $$$

    Every tax season, U.S. businesses owners and individual taxpayers undergo an amazing ritual. At the beginning of the year, we start collecting forms from various entities: banks, creditors, investment companies, our employers, etc. After we have gotten all of our paperwork, we then figure out whether we’re going to waste a weekend slogging through all……

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  • Retirement: To Do It or Not? And When?

    Retirement. A time in life to which we all look forward. However, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, 26.8% of those between the ages of 65-75 continued to work—a number that is expected to rise to 30.6% by 2026. There are varying reasons Americans are postponing retirement, from economic stability to personal……

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