Who’s Got Your Back?

Have you ever explored the full meaning when someone says, “I’ve got your back?”
Is it that they’re committed to watching out for you and taking care of things that you are likely to miss?
Are they dedicated to being that second set of eyes and hands for you when necessary?
Is it someone willing to help when you need assistance, even before you know you need it?
How about somebody who will literally enter into a physical battle on your behalf?
Have you ever taken the time to consider who’s got your back in your business?
Perhaps it’s an advisor who has a single-minded area, whether it be law, accounting, or lending.
Maybe it’s that individual who’s able to rise 30,000 feet for a broad view of your world and then tell you how your business fits in your life, particularly during stressful times.
Maybe it’s the person who can keep the bigger picture in mind when aiding you in your day-to-day business battles. Or someone who can pull you aside – despite your protests that you ‘don’t have time’ – and offer strategic perspectives and advice you can trust.
These “have your back” individuals will ask questions that stop you in your tracks, that allow you to take a deep breath while the stress of the moment leaves your body. They do this without fear that their questions might be simple, naïve, or lacking a complete understanding of your business.
They don’t worry if they’re the biggest thought leader or genius in the room. They’re focused on helping you slow down, making certain that you’re not ignoring the larger implications of whatever task is at hand.
They maintain the big picture, yet they are at the street level, working right alongside you. They open their network and introduce you to the accountant, the attorney, the banker, even the medical professional, and ask them for exceptions on your behalf, all because they truly believe you are exceptional.
These are the people who see you for who you are, believe in what you are trying to accomplish, and give all they’ve got to help you get there. In effect, fully defining what it means to say, “I’ve got your back.”
We all need someone like this, don’t we? I know who it is for myself and the impact they continue to make in my world. Who has your back, in your business, and in your life?